The Daily Times:Madge "The best stage performer"
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Madonna Always Does It Better
2004-08-25 06:11:13 UTC
The Daily Times: "The best stage performer"

"I savored a new recipe over the holiday weekend, and I'd like to
share it with you. Take Cirque du Soleil, mix it with a little "Moulin
Rouge," the X-Games and old-time Burlesque shows, add a dash of
animosity toward our government and a whole heaping helping of
Broadway, and you've got the best stage performer in the world today."
Let me start off by saying that what I shared with the 20,000 members
of the Madonna Nation Monday night at the Wachovia Center was not a

No, my friends, it doesn't take much to figure out why the pop diva
dubbed this the "Reinvention Tour." It's not because she reinvented
herself, although she is a much more tame performer now as a
45-year-old mother than she was in her days as a provocative sex
symbol, but instead because she has forever changed the concert

What we were treated to was a full-tilt, non-stop, three-ring circus
extravaganza that had your mouth agape, your heart pumping, and your
eyes fighting with themselves as to where to look next.

My first observation in recollecting the evening's festivities is that
I learned three things as fact.

1. Despite criticisms to the contrary, Madonna can sing, and sing with
verve, with passion, and with a deft talent that never misses a note,
even while she maintains pinpoint accuracy on all the dance numbers.

2. Not only can she sing and dance, but she can play the guitar as
well, as was evidenced in several numbers when she played the
instrument that she taught herself to play a mere four years ago.

3. The choreography of the entire show was perfect. And I mean
perfect. So perfect that I was stunned at its precision. As a veteran
theater-goer who has seen hundreds of musicals and dance routines, I
can honestly say that what I saw on the stage this past weekend was
better than all the rest combined.

There was so much to see that I can't describe it all here, but what
stood out was the brilliant white tuxedoed-tap dancer; the red-top
hat-wearing breakdancer, who windmilled around the stage doing things
that didn't seem physically possible; the mohawk-wearing skate boarder
who careened up and down a half-pipe; the Scottish bagpiper, who
danced with Madonna as he flawlessly played away on his instrument;
and the three trapeze artists who undulated in perfect synchronicity
while dangerously flying out over the audience.

The costumes of the Maddonistas were equally eye-popping, ranging from
army fatigues to Scottish kilts (and the audience did see what they
were wearing underneath), to a flapper-esque '20s show girl look, to
an anti-war eclectic ensemble that saw a nun, a few Middle Easterners,
a few soldiers, a Confucius look-alike, and a bishop all being
disrobed by some men with guns.

As for the music, the fans couldn't have had a better treat. After
years of blowing off her older music, Madonna reverted to her ?80s
roots and gave the fans great renditions of her classics.
She opened with a stylized yet fun rendition of "Vogue" and finished
with a confetti-laden, party atmosphere with "Holiday."
In between she wowed the crowd with a remastered "Material Girl" and
classics like "Into the Groove," "Papa Don't Preach" and "Express
She sneaked in a couple of songs from her latest album, "Nobody Knows
Me," and "American Life."

She made her anti-Bush commentary, begging the crowd to register to
vote and not let the president lead the country astray.
She immediately followed that statement with a wistful, and fun
rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" which inspired older fans in the
crowd to unleash the cigarette lighters.

But perhaps her two best songs of the night were the dance-heavy (and
I mean the crowd, including yours truly) "Music" and the showstopping
"Like a Prayer."

The one disappointment was the lack of an encore - which I know is a
Madonna staple, but hey, when you charge folks $300 a ducat, I think
you owe them at least one return trip to the stage.

Nevertheless, that was only one small blip on a huge radar screen that
announces to the world that the original pop diva has plenty left in
the tank, and remains the greatest entertainer on the planet.

Article by Anthony J. Sanfilippo, The Daily Times
Dave Hill
2004-08-25 07:06:08 UTC
Oh, puh-leeeze. Enough of the Madonna-worship, already!!

Look people, let's be real. Madonna is an incredibly disciplined,
hard-working and intelligent performer. But "the greatest entertainer on
the planet"? Whoever said that was kidding, right? A great entertainer
only needs a voice, some songs, and maybe some musical instruments backing
him or her up. That's it. A great entertainer does not need, um, let's
see--- "brilliant white tuxedoed-tap dancer"; "red-top hat-wearing
breakdancer who windmilled around the stage"; mohawk-wearing skate boarder";
"three trapeze artists who undulated" etc. etc.

I'm sure that Madonna's show is impressive for its sheer circus-like variety
and choreography and all that, but none of that means talent. It just means
she knows how to clobber the senses. "Great entertainers" in my book would
be people on the ilk of Sinatra, Presley, Judy Garland. Or wait, they're
all dead. Hmmm. Maybe we have no great entertainers any more (a definite
possibility). But there are some people who come pretty close: Try
Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty. Loretta Lynn on her new album "Van Lear Rose".
Tony Bennett. These are people who only need to sing or play a song,
nothing more, and you're in the palm of their hand. That's what true star
quality is, not the three-ring-circus (even the reviewer described it as
such) that is Madonna.

I don't mean to cut down Madonna for what she does. You gotta give her
credit for being the hardest-working person in show business, and at least
nowadays she isn't deliberately making herself ugly (I never did understand
that tactic, the incredibly unattractive hardness she flaunted in the early
1990s--- think cone-brassiere getup, and hair pulled back so tightly that
she could hardly smile). And from all accounts, she's a great mom to her
kids--- something the world needs more of nowadays. But as a performer--- I
hesitate to even call her an entertainer; she "performs", which is a
different thing entirely--- she's always been cold, hard, and calculated.
It isn't her deepest personality or self you see on display, or even the
illusion of it. What she does might be craft, and it apparently is quite a
show. But it doesn't move the spirit, and it's not art. Those are things
that *real* entertainers do.

Just my opinion. Go ahead and flame away, I'm ready.


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Madonna Always Does It Better
2004-08-25 10:39:36 UTC
Awesome input !!! It's nice to know some people on the usenet can
discuss madonna without hate lol.
Subject: Madge "The best stage performer"
Date: 8/25/04 12:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Oh, puh-leeeze. Enough of the Madonna-worship, already!!
Look people, let's be real. Madonna is an incredibly disciplined,
hard-working and intelligent performer. But "the greatest
entertainer on
the planet"? Whoever said that was kidding, right? A great
only needs a voice, some songs, and maybe some musical instruments
him or her up. That's it. A great entertainer does not need, um,
see--- "brilliant white tuxedoed-tap dancer"; "red-top hat-wearing
breakdancer who windmilled around the stage"; mohawk-wearing skate
"three trapeze artists who undulated" etc. etc.
I'm sure that Madonna's show is impressive for its sheer circus-like
and choreography and all that, but none of that means talent. It
just means
she knows how to clobber the senses. "Great entertainers" in my book
be people on the ilk of Sinatra, Presley, Judy Garland. Or wait,
all dead. Hmmm. Maybe we have no great entertainers any more (a
possibility). But there are some people who come pretty close: Try
Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty. Loretta Lynn on her new album "Van Lear
Tony Bennett. These are people who only need to sing or play a song,
nothing more, and you're in the palm of their hand. That's what true
quality is, not the three-ring-circus (even the reviewer described it
such) that is Madonna.
I don't mean to cut down Madonna for what she does. You gotta give
credit for being the hardest-working person in show business, and at
nowadays she isn't deliberately making herself ugly (I never did
that tactic, the incredibly unattractive hardness she flaunted in the
1990s--- think cone-brassiere getup, and hair pulled back so tightly
she could hardly smile). And from all accounts, she's a great mom to
kids--- something the world needs more of nowadays. But as a
performer--- I
hesitate to even call her an entertainer; she "performs", which is a
different thing entirely--- she's always been cold, hard, and
It isn't her deepest personality or self you see on display, or even
illusion of it. What she does might be craft, and it apparently is
quite a
show. But it doesn't move the spirit, and it's not art. Those are
that *real* entertainers do.
Just my opinion. Go ahead and flame away, I'm ready.
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http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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The Daily Times: "The best stage performer"
"I savored a new recipe over the holiday weekend, and I'd like to
share it with you. Take Cirque du Soleil, mix it with a little "Moulin
Rouge," the X-Games and old-time Burlesque shows, add a dash of
animosity toward our government and a whole heaping helping of
Broadway, and you've got the best stage performer in the world today."
Let me start off by saying that what I shared with the 20,000 members
of the Madonna Nation Monday night at the Wachovia Center was not a
No, my friends, it doesn't take much to figure out why the pop diva
dubbed this the "Reinvention Tour." It's not because she reinvented
herself, although she is a much more tame performer now as a
45-year-old mother than she was in her days as a provocative sex
symbol, but instead because she has forever changed the concert
What we were treated to was a full-tilt, non-stop, three-ring circus
extravaganza that had your mouth agape, your heart pumping, and your
eyes fighting with themselves as to where to look next.
My first observation in recollecting the evening's festivities is that
I learned three things as fact.
1. Despite criticisms to the contrary, Madonna can sing, and sing with
verve, with passion, and with a deft talent that never misses a note,
even while she maintains pinpoint accuracy on all the dance numbers.
2. Not only can she sing and dance, but she can play the guitar as
well, as was evidenced in several numbers when she played the
instrument that she taught herself to play a mere four years ago.
3. The choreography of the entire show was perfect. And I mean
perfect. So perfect that I was stunned at its precision. As a veteran
theater-goer who has seen hundreds of musicals and dance routines, I
can honestly say that what I saw on the stage this past weekend was
better than all the rest combined.
There was so much to see that I can't describe it all here, but what
stood out was the brilliant white tuxedoed-tap dancer; the red-top
hat-wearing breakdancer, who windmilled around the stage doing things
that didn't seem physically possible; the mohawk-wearing skate boarder
who careened up and down a half-pipe; the Scottish bagpiper, who
danced with Madonna as he flawlessly played away on his instrument;
and the three trapeze artists who undulated in perfect synchronicity
while dangerously flying out over the audience.
The costumes of the Maddonistas were equally eye-popping, ranging from
army fatigues to Scottish kilts (and the audience did see what they
were wearing underneath), to a flapper-esque '20s show girl look, to
an anti-war eclectic ensemble that saw a nun, a few Middle Easterners,
a few soldiers, a Confucius look-alike, and a bishop all being
disrobed by some men with guns.
As for the music, the fans couldn't have had a better treat. After
years of blowing off her older music, Madonna reverted to her ?80s
roots and gave the fans great renditions of her classics.
She opened with a stylized yet fun rendition of "Vogue" and finished
with a confetti-laden, party atmosphere with "Holiday."
In between she wowed the crowd with a remastered "Material Girl" and
classics like "Into the Groove," "Papa Don't Preach" and "Express
She sneaked in a couple of songs from her latest album, "Nobody Knows
Me," and "American Life."
She made her anti-Bush commentary, begging the crowd to register to
vote and not let the president lead the country astray.
She immediately followed that statement with a wistful, and fun
rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" which inspired older fans in the
crowd to unleash the cigarette lighters.
But perhaps her two best songs of the night were the dance-heavy (and
I mean the crowd, including yours truly) "Music" and the showstopping
"Like a Prayer."
The one disappointment was the lack of an encore - which I know is a
Madonna staple, but hey, when you charge folks $300 a ducat, I think
you owe them at least one return trip to the stage.
Nevertheless, that was only one small blip on a huge radar screen that
announces to the world that the original pop diva has plenty left in
the tank, and remains the greatest entertainer on the planet.
Article by Anthony J. Sanfilippo, The Daily Times
Walter Blickner
2004-08-25 16:06:30 UTC
Post by Madonna Always Does It Better
But perhaps her two best songs of the night were the dance-heavy
(and I mean the crowd, including yours truly) "Music" and the
showstopping "Like a Prayer."
I wish I had time to wrestle some sense into this sentence but I have
to be at work tomorrow night.
